What is
% of

is what % of

% of what?

Percentage Calculator

The Percentage Calculator allows you to perform complex calculations quickly and easily. It is straightforward to use. All you have to do is enter the inputs and get the result within minutes. You can ask many questions, such as calculating Percentage or Percentage difference, converting Percentages into decimals, fractions, and so on. This tool is helpful in learning Percentages and can be used in many other situations.

We have provided a list of percentage topics, such as What is X% and What is What %? Percentage difference, etc., to help you get started through quick links. To get a detailed explanation of the concept, click on it. To make conversions easy, learn the formulas for Percentages. The entire image will be explained in detail, so you don't feel overwhelmed.

To get the output, enter the values into the input fields and click the calculate button. The result will be explained step-by-step, giving you an idea of the process. You'll be amazed at how easy and quick this tool uses.

How to Calculate Percentages?

There are many formulae to solve the Percentage Problems. The most basic recipe is X/Y = 100 x P. This simple formula can be used to solve different percentage problems.

Let's first look at the basic percentage concepts. Here, X and Y represent numbers, and P is the Percentage.

  • Find out the Percentage of X
  • Find out what per cent of X is Y
  • If Y is P Percent, find X

Continue reading to find out the percentages and unknowns of these equations.

Calculating the Percentage of a Number

To calculate the percentage of a number, use the simple formula P% * X =

Example: How much is 20 per cent of 150?


  • The given problem can be converted to the equation Percentage Formula P% X = Y
  • It is P =20%, X = 150
  • Simply divide the value 20/100 =0.2 to convert 20% to a decimal value.
  • Substitute 0.2 for 20% in the equation, i.e. 0.2*150=Y
  • You can perform the multiplication operation by i.e. Y= 30

Therefore, 20% of 150 equals 30

How do you find out what Percentage of X is Y?

Use the formula to find out what Percentage of X is Y.

Example: What Percent of 40 Is 12?


  • Use the percentage formula Y/X = % to convert the problem.
  • Given the values X = 40, Y = 12, the equation becomes 12/40=P%
  • Basic maths will give you the decimal result, i.e. 12/40= 0.3
  • To change the decimal value to Percent, multiply the decimal number with 100. 0.3*100 =30%

So, 30 x 40 equals 12

How do you find X if Y is P per cent?

If P Percent is Y, you can find X using the formula Y/P% =X

Example:50 equals 20% of what number


  • The percentage formula Y/P% =X can be used to modify the problem.
  • According to the formula, Y =50, P% =20, so the equation becomes 50/20% =X
  • Divide 100 by Percent to convert percentages to decimals, i.e. 20/100=0.2
  • Substitute 50/0.2=X for the decimal value.
  • You can get the value for X by performing the basic Maths. It is 250

Therefore, 50 is 20% of 250.

What's the P Percentage of X?

These guidelines will help you determine how much P Percent of X is.

  • We need to solve the problem using Y. Write the following equation: Y = P% *X.
  • Do not forget to divide the Percent to a decimal by 100.
  • Use the formula Y = P% X to find the value of Y.

Example: What's 20% of 50?


Use the Percent Formula to rewrite the problem.

  • According to the formula, Y =20%*50
  • You can change the per cent value to a decimal form, i.e. 20/100 = 0.2
  • Add 20% to the equation, and Y = o.2*50 10

So 20% of 50 equals 10

What Percentage of X?

For the procedure to determine Y is What Percentage of X, see this link

  • Write the equation as Y = %? X
  • We need to figure out what P% is.
  • Divide the equation in half, leaving P% on one end.
  • The equation is now Y/X = (P%?). X) / P% becomes Y / P%, the same as Y/X.

Example: What Percent of 40?


  • Simply change the values according to the formula. P% = 15 / 40
  • P% = 15 / 40 = 0.375
  • Multiply the decimal result to Percent by multiplying it with 100
  • P% =0.375*100 = 37.5%

So 15 is 37.5% off 40

Y = P per cent of what?

To determine if Y is P per cent of what, follow the easy steps below

  • P Percentage of what is Y = % * X is the equation for Y
  • This is where we have to find the value of X.
  • Divide each side by P% to get X.
  • Y = P% = (P%xX) / Y becomes Y = P% = X and it is the exact same as X = P%.

You can thus solve for X by using the formula X = Y / %

Example:11 is 50% of what?


  • The formula allows you to rewrite the values given. X = 11/ 50%
  • Convert Percent to a decimal value, i.e. 50/100=0.5
  • In the equation X = 11, place decimal value at 50%.
  • So, by simplifying, we can get X = 22

Also, 11 is half of the 22

What Percentage of X Is Y?

These guidelines will help you determine what Percent of X is Y.

  • To determine what Percent of X is Y, the equation is P% *X = Y
  • It is important to determine what % P is.
  • Divide each side with X to get P% on one side.
  • (P% *X) /X = Y/X becomes P% =Y/X
  • Use the formula P% =Y/X to solve for P%

Example: How Much of 35 Is 5?


  • Use the formula P% = 5/35 to express the values.
  • Simple math will give you 5/35 = 0.1428
  • Convert Decimal to Percent: Multiply the decimal value 0.1428 by 100
  • The equation is P% = 0.1428*100 = 14.28%

Thus, 14.28% is 5.

Per cent of what's Y

These are the easy steps to finding P per cent of Y.

  • Simply write P% x = Y.
  • It is important to define what X is.
  • Divide each side by P% to get X on the other side.
  • (P% xX) / Y = P% / Y = P% Making it X = P% / Y = P%
  • Use the formula X = P% to solve for X

Example: What is 15?


  • The formula X = 15/30 allows you to rewrite the values.
  • Divide 30 by 100 to convert the Percentage Value into a decimal number, i.e. 0.3
  • The decimal value of the equation should be replaced with, i.e. X = 15/0.3
  • Basic math gives us the importance of X = 50

P Percentage of X is...

Follow these simple steps to determine if P Percent of X =

  • The equation to calculate the P Percentage of X is P% *X = Y
  • It is essential to decide on what Y is.
  • Use the Percentage Formula to solve the value of Y. Y = P% *X

Example: What is the difference between and?


  • The formula 6% * 30 = 1: Rewrite the values given.
  • Change the percentage value to decimal, i.e. 6/100=0.06
  • Substitute decimal for percentage in the equation, i.e. 0.06*30
  • The value of Y is therefore 0.06*30 = 1.81

Therefore, 6% of 30 equals 1.8

What is the P per cent of?

Here are some guidelines for determining Y of what P Percent is.

  • Formula to calculate Y of What is the P Percent? Y = P%
  • It is necessary to determine the value for X.
  • Multiply with X both ways to remove the X from the denominator.
  • (Y /X) *X = P%* X, making it Y = % *X
  • Divide the equation into both sides with P% to get X on one side.
  • Y/P% = (P%* X/P% making the equation for = Y/P%

Use the formula X = P% to solve the value of X

Example: 8. What is 12%?


  • The formula X = 8/12% will give you the values.
  • Divide 100 by 100 to convert the percentage into a decimal value, i.e. 12/100 =0.12
  • Substitute decimal value for equation, and X = 8/0.12
  • So, X =66.66

8 of 66.66 equals 12%

What Percent of X do you think is the best?

Follow this step-by-step process to find out what Percentage of X is in P's Percent

  • Expression to determine what Percentage of X is Y/X = P%
  • This is where we have to determine the value of Y
  • Multiply each side of the equation with X for the term Y.
  • (Y /X) *X = P%* X, so it becomes Y = *% X

To find the value of Y, you can use the percentage formula Y = % * X


What is the Percentage of 30?


  • Rewrite the values according to the formula Y = 10 * 30
  • Divide the percentage value 10% by 100 to convert Percent to Decimal, i.e. 10/100= o.1
  • Substitute decimal value in place equation, i.e. Y = 0.1%30
  • Simple math reveals that the value of Y is Y = 3.

So 3 out of 30 equals 10%

What Percent is Y of X?

The simple method to find out Y of X is how much can be found here

  • To find Y of X, the equation is: What Percent is Y/X = P%?
  • We need to find out what P% is.
  • Use the formula P% =Y/X to solve the value of P%.

Example: 40 of what Percent


  • Assemble the values according to the formula, i.e. P% = Y/X
  • You will receive P% =10/40 = 0.25
  • Multiply a decimal by 100 to convert it to Percent, i.e. 0.25*100 = 25%

So 10 out of 40 equals 25%

X Plus % is What?

The following procedure will help you determine X plus P%.

  • Formula to calculate X Plus P% = Y = X + (X x %) = Y i.e. Y = 1 + P%
  • Divide the percentage value by 100 to convert the percentage given into a decimal number.
  • Add up all the changes and multiply the result with the value X.
  • Use the following formula to solve for Y: Y = 1 + P%

Example: 20% Plus 10% is what?


  • The following formula will calculate the values: Y = 20 (1+10%).
  • Divide 100 by 100 to convert the percentage value into a decimal. 10/100=0.1
  • Substitute the importance of the equation Y =20 (1+0.1).
  • Multiplying yields the value of Y
  • Therefore, the Y value of 22

X Plus: What % Is Y?

Find the guidelines for solving X plus What% Is Y.

  • The equation is X (1 + P%) =Y
  • We need to find P%.
  • We can reorder the values to get the P% as (1+P%)=Y/X).
  • We get the P% on the one side by subtracting one from the Y/X. P% = (Y/X)-1
  • Multiply the Percent by 100 to get the desired Percentage

Example:14 Plus What % Is 42?


  • Substitute these values according to the formula P% = (42/14)-1
  • Divide the values by 1 to get 1.
  • Thus we get P% = 3-1=2
  • Multiply 100 with 100 to get the Percentage, i.e. 2*100

Thus, P% = 200%

What plus P% is Y?

To determine what plus % is for Y, refer to the steps below

  • Formula to Find What Plus P% Is Y? X(1 + %) = Y
  • Here, we need to determine the value for X.
  • To get X on one end, you must reverse the values.
  • We can solve our equation for X and get X = Y/(1+ P%)

Example: How Much is 50 plus 20%?


  • Assemble the values according to the formula, i.e. X = 50/(1+ 20%)
  • Divide 100 by 100 to convert Percentage to Decimal. 20/100 = 0.2
  • Substitute the decimal equivalent Percentage value in the equation, i.e. X =50/(1+0.2).
  • Therefore, the value of X is 50/1.2 =41.66

Thus, 41.66 plus 20% equals 50

X Minus % is What?

Follow the steps below to determine X Minus %.

  • Formula to calculate X Minus % = Y =X(X x P%) =Y Y =X(1-P%)
  • Divide 100 by Percent to convert it to decimal
  • Add the decimal equivalent percentage value to the equation and solve for Y.

Example: 45 Minus 15% Is What


  • Assemble the inputs according to the formula, i.e. Y =40 (1 - 15%).
  • Divide the Percentage Value by 100 to convert it into a decimal, i.e. 15/100=0.15
  • Substitute decimal value in an equation written Y=40 (1-0.15).
  • Basic Math Operations are used to solve for Y = 40 (0.85)=34

Thus, 34 Minus 15% equals 40

X Minus How Much % Is Y?

Refer to the guidelines for solving X Minus What % Is Y

  • To find X Minus What Percent is Y, the equation is X(1-P%) = Y
  • This is where we will need to calculate the P%
  • To get the P%, you can reorder the values of the equation so that it becomes P% =1-Y/X
  • Multiply the decimal value to get the Percentage.

Example: 50 less What % Is 15?


  • The input values are required to rewrite the equation. P% = 1 -15/50
  • We can solve the equation to get P% = 0.75
  • Multiply the decimal result to convert it into a Percentage. 0.7*100=70%

So, 50 minus 70% equals 15

What is minus P%? Y

These are the easy steps to determine What minus P% is for Y

  • The formula is X(1-P%) = Y.
  • We need to find the value of X.
  • We can arrange the terms so that X is on one side. This gives us X = (1-P%)
  • Perform basic math operations to calculate the value of X by changing Percentage Value to Decimal Value.

Example: How much is 50 minus 15%?


  • The input values should be rewritten as X = 50/(1- 15%).
  • By dividing 100 by 100, you can convert the Percentage Value to a decimal value. 15/100 =0.15
  • Substitute the decimal number in the equation X =50/ (1-0.15).
  • You can perform math operations to get the following result: X =50/0.85 =58.8235

Therefore, 58.8235 minus 15 is 50

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