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Image to Base64

Online Image to Base64 Encoder aids in Base64 String conversion.

Image to base64 tools is helpful in development when you want to increase performance or don't want to load an image or small icon. Emails can utilise Base64 strings as images (Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions). The base64 string can be shown as an image in all modern browsers. Base64 String is a popular format for radix-64 data representation on the web (World Wide Web).

What is the Image to Base64 Converter used for?

  1. This utility makes it simple to convert your image to a Base64 group.
  2. All image formats, including PNG, JPEG, GIF, etc., are supported.
  3. The 5 MB image upload cap has been set.
  4. Base64, as the src for an IMG image, creates HTML code (data source).
  5. Additionally, base64-encoded CSS background code for images is generated.
  6. The Image Encoding Tool allows you to load an Image File for Base64 conversion. Select a file by clicking the Upload Image button.
  7. Chrome, Firefox, Edge, and Safari all operate nicely with Image to Base64 Online on Windows, MAC, Linux, and Chrome.

How is an image converted to Base64?

JavaScript is used to create the base64 string from the image using the base64 technique. The image is not sent to the server for conversion.

What is the scope of Base64 Encoder?

The free picture to Base64 encoder from ITTools.Tech makes copying and pasting markup or style for your codebase simple. Drag an image into the controls above, upload it, or enter the URL of an image, and the encoder will instantly produce a Base64 encoded version of that image. Before creating the data, you don't even need to optimise the image. When the Optimize picture toggle is turned on, the image will be automatically optimised before encoding.

Base64 is an encoding system that transforms any text, binary data, and even images or sound files into a readable string that can be saved or sent over the network without compromising the integrity of the data. Latin letters, numerals, plus signs, and slashes are among the characters produced by Base64 encoding. The most popular application of Base64 is as an email MIME (Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions) transport encoding.

The main function of base64 pictures is to embed image data into other formats, such as HTML, CSS, or JSON. Since the image is already embedded in the HTML content, the browser doesn't need to send another web request to get the file when image data is included within an HTML document. An image's Base64 representation is longer than the original image and gets exceedingly long for huge images. Small images should largely be encoded in Base64, and you should try both embedded and external images to see which performs better.

How to online convert an image to Base64?

  1. Select the image's source from the "Datatype" field.
  2. You can choose an image from your computer or paste the URL.
  3. Select "Encode picture to Base64" from the menu.
  4. The output from the "Base64" field can be downloaded or copied.

Encoded picture data will resemble this (shortened for brevity) once it has been converted to Base64:

Use in IMG elements


The string can be used instead of an URL in the src attribute of the img element in HTML:

<img src="..." />

Or you can insert the string as a background-image in CSS:



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